Export All GPOs in a domain to XML or HTML

Not a lot of exposition on this one.

I have a client that has 100+ Group Policy Objects that I wanted to export. Now in the time I was developing a way to automatically do this, I probably could have right clicked each and exported, but that’s no fun and I can use this script in the future.

General Script Notes

  1. Change $folderpath variable to an existing folder path, this script will not create the folder structure, but if you want to add that, feel free
  2. the last line will go through this entire folder and rename with a new file extension, xml or html, depending on which script you are running. Please use a clean and empty folder for this. If there is anything else in the folder, it will get the filetype changed!

Powershell script to export all GPOs to XML

$folderpath = "C:\path\to\existing\folder\"
$AllGpos = get-gpo -all
ForEach($g in $AllGpos)
    $filename = $g.DisplayName
    $fullpath = join-path -path $folderpath -ChildPath $filename
    $Gpo = Get-GPOReport -reporttype xml -guid $g.Id -path $fullpath


get-childitem -path $folderpath | Rename-Item -NewName { $PSItem.Name + ".xml" }

Powershell script to export all GPOs to HTML

$folderpath = "C:\path\to\existing\folder\"
$AllGpos = get-gpo -all
ForEach($g in $AllGpos)
    $filename = $g.DisplayName
    $fullpath = join-path -path $folderpath -ChildPath $filename
    $Gpo = Get-GPOReport -reporttype html -guid $g.Id -path $fullpath


get-childitem -path $folderpath | Rename-Item -NewName { $PSItem.Name + ".html" }

That’s all for today!

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